Gynecology and Pediatric Medicine

Gynecology and Pediatric Medicine

Gynecology & Pediatric Medicine is an open access, international, peer-reviewed journal covers the full spectrum of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Pediatric Neonatology. Gynecology Journal is a bimonthly open access journal with comprehensive peer review policy, and a very rapid publication process. Topics covered include obstetrics, prenatal diagnosis, maternal-fetal medicine, perinatology, general gynecology, gynecologic oncology, uro-gynecology, infectious disease, Pediatric Neonatology, infertility, reproductive endocrinology, endocrine disorders, sexual medicine and reproductive ethics.

The following articles will be considered for publication in this gynecology journal: Research article, Review, Case reports, Letter, Technical/ Scientific write up/ paper/ report, Expert opinions, Brief communications, Discovery, News, Conference/ Seminar/ Workshop, Proceedings, and ideas. Case reports do not have to be novel or unusual but need to reflect best practice.

All the articles accepted for publication in the journal “Gynecology and Pediatric Medicine” are freely available online immediately.

GPM Welcomes Direct submissions of Manuscripts from authors could be submitted through our online portal or as directed to the editorial office as an attachment to email at:,